Running is cheaper than Therapy

These past few weeks have been some of the most frustrating times I have had with both the health of running but also my general health.

Not long after my first physio appointment I came down with a fever and chest infection. Just when I thought I was back on the road to recovery from my foot and ankle problem I was dealt this even worse hand from the cards of life. WHY NOW! After visiting my doctor and confirmation that I was indeed suffering from the infection I was prescribed a course of antibiotics and rest. This meant an enforced rest period of at least 7-10 days including time off work.

After the first 3-4 days I started to feel improvement and by the sixth day I had returned to work feeling more or less normal again. Although health wise I was feeling like my old self I was been extremely cautious not to plunge myself back into running to quickly. This to me was mental torment as I consider running my therapy time and boy had I missed this time. I decided that after 12 days the time was right for a test run to see how I felt and how the break had helped with my foot / ankle problem.

That first run was like returning to my first runs when I started running. I was breathing quite hard for a slow plod pace and legs felt empty but mentally I felt like the world of melting around me. I could feel the effects of the enforced rest but it was great to just get out, leave lifes problems at the door step, hone my senses to the surroundings albeit with aching legs and sucking up wind at a plodding pace. My ankle and foot both felt mostly ok but noticed that my right shin and a small area on the front right hand side of my ankle were a little sore. Fortunately I had moved my follow up physio appointment two days after this first run due to my illness so I was looking forward to going back to update him on progress.

After some discussion followed by some massage of the shin, testing for stress fractures and ankle mobility he said it could either be some tendon irritation caused by an inflamed sheathe that wraps around the tendons at the front of the ankle or it's the sheathe that binds all of the tendons was inflamed due to tendon irritation, a bit of a chicken and egg situation. He ruled out my feet causing problems gait wise as I had very neutral feet which did make me feel pretty good as I have been working hard on improving my running form over the past 18 months so it was nice feedback.  With that he sent me on my way and said to monitor things daily and to book another appointment for 2 weeks time or to get in contact sooner if it's to painful to run on.

Last week I did get a few runs in and ran from 3-6 miles. Each day got a little easier in terms of adjusting to the pace and the ankle / foot has got progressively better although I would be lying if I said all of the soreness has receded 100% but I am feeling like the fitness is starting to ooze back into this body of mine.

Again I am not going out with the idea each day on achieving mileage targets at the moment but just letting the body / mind dictate pace and duration. I am continuing to soak the legs after each run as well as stretching them out gently. Unfortunately this does mean that I will not be taking part in the Thames Trot ultra this coming weekend however I don't feel disappointed in the slightest as there will be other times for sure. Building a solid base once again is paramount to future success for the rest of the year so the next few weeks ahead will be filled with easy runs building that time on feet once again.

I am just happy that I can get out there and put one foot in front of the other again and attending my therapy class on a daily basis again!

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