It's been over two weeks now since my last race and it's finally time to get back to running.
I took the first week completely off after the Thames Path 100 miler and enjoyed indulging in eating what I wanted, sat on the sofa drinking some beer and not thinking about running at all. It was bliss to be honest however after 7 days of slouching I started getting twitchy and was thinking about running again. I had made a pact with myself that I wouldn't think about running until day 10.
So on the ninth day I decided to run, oh well I did try. It wasn't efficient or easy. I felt sluggish but glad to be back out running and I had new shoes to try out. In the end I ran 30 miles last week and felt much better by the end of it.
So with two big races done and one A race left in October (Abingdon Marathon PB attempt) I am looking forward to an summer of running without a specific training plan other than the purpose of looking to run everyday and building a solid base. I am going to be entering a few more events but I will be not racing them flat out. I am going back to HR training as it worked so effectively in building up to the South Downs 50 miler in April. I am hoping I can build on the successful races I have had so far this year and make this year the best I have ever had.
I sometimes still cannot believe how this year has gone so far given what it looked like 6 months ago. Sometimes the best things happen spontaneously and unplanned so I am looking forward to what will happen over the summer.
I can't believe that bit about 'not thinking about running at all'. That's impossible for the likes of you and me! Good luck in your quest for a marathon PB.